
In Honor of the Academy Awards

Since I don't get to prance around in Oscar de la Renta all night like a movie star, I decided the next best thing was to watch the Academy Awards at home with my friends, wearing my star earrings.
Somehow this makes since. 

Will you all be watching? Who are you rooting for??
I must say that since I thought Drive was the best film I saw all year (and it was totally snubbed), I don't really care much who wins best picture. 
I guess I'm largely watching for the gowns. And Billy Crystal. 

I will share my thoughts tomorrow. 
Enjoy your Sunday! 


  1. can you stop being so freakin gorgeous? or don't stop but maybe share? :) looking loveLEE i must say. Love Billy Crystal. and I'm always glad I've just seen this post because it reminded me about tonight. See you tomorrow xox

  2. i always forget how much you love billy crystal!

    and i totally forgot about peeking over your left shoulder while you posed for this picture. that was fun.

  3. yeah, you always did enjoy peek-a-boo


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