

My post certainly are becoming infrequent. I have just been a busy little bee lately getting ready for the store's opening.

Lots of other wonderful things have been happening too, LIKE my best friend and former college roommate coming to America for a visit. It is always so good to see her and know that we always seem to pick up right where we left off.

Here are a list of my favorite things we did:
 1. Seeing Horrible Bosses
 2. Seeing Crazy Stupid Love and All Good Things in the same day.... no such thing as too much Ryan Gosling. (Though I must say, I quite preferred the former to the latter)
 3. Seeing my wedding video with her. She was unable to be here for the actual event due to her being an international teaching sensation. (That's okay; I am very proud of her!) Anyway, I liked her getting to see it!
 4. Going to Waffle House approximately 873 times
 5. Attending a cookout her sweet parents had for me.
 6. Showing her my store.
 7. Her reunion with Stella/ Her introduction to Edie
 8. Going out with Ty and my other wonderful friend, Sarah (who incidentally was also lucky enough to participate in 1/2 of the Ryan Gosling fest)

She is back in Germany now, but hopefully she will be home again very soon.

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