I thought I would share a few tidbits about our honeymoon/nyc.
1. We walked so much that we each felt like we lost 15lbs in the course of 6 days. We didn't, but we sure felt like it.
2. The weather was amazing!
3. We were there for a historical day-- the first day they allowed same-sex marriages to take place in nyc! Woohoo!!
4. I want to move to the Village. Before you start thinking, "oh, how cliche," you should probably hear my reasoning. I had NUTELLA flavored gelato the night Ty and I were wandering around down there. At that point, I wanted him to just leave me there and come back to pick me up (maybe) when the trip was over. Maybe.
5. I looked for photographers for the Sartorialist everywhere we went. No luck :(
6. We love Five Guys. (This is not a New York specific fact)
7. Though it was my third time to visit and Ty's second, we did so many new things. I have decided the great thing about a city that large is that you can have new experiences all the time.
8. We missed Edie and Stella.
9. Staying in Brooklyn- not a bad idea. (especially when you are doin' nyc on a shoestring)
10. Central Park Zoo- not that impressive UNLESS you get to see a goat sneeze in your husband's face. Then, it is a little entertaining.
11. Movies and wine in the park are best.
12. I love Ty. So much. (Again, not New York specific)
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