Yesterday I turned 23. That sounds so old to me, but since most of my friends are older than me, I guess I really have nothing to complain about. 22 was a fabulous year. 23 will be even better, I can feel it.
Last year on my birthday my best friend asked me to be his wife. It was magical. Our journey over the last 365 days has been a wonderful one, and I can't wait for all the birthdays with Ty to come.
Unfortunately, I had to work yesterday, BUT my sweet mom and grandma delivered me flowers and balloons.
After work I came home to this:
We also went to dinner at Taste of Thai with my brother, Ty's brothers, Leea, Sarah, Rachel and George. My friends and family blessed me so much. Afterwards everyone came over for sweets and pina coladas.
Oh, and I almost forgot my sweet Harajuku present from Sarah!
Thanks everyone! It was a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday Kaitlyn, sup?
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday for yesterday hun. Sounds like you had a fabulous day. 23 is the best age!
ReplyDeletemy mom's comment.
ReplyDeleteand i can't believe she made you tuptakes!! actually, i can.
My hirajuki perfume is my favorite! (I have Gwen)
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!