
Well, hello there. I hope everyone has been having a good week so far. Here is a little glimpse into my first few days of life without college:

1. Catching up on movies- We FINALLY got to watch The King's Speech and Blue Valentine this week. I know, soooo behind. I loved first, and the second broke my heart (in a good way). I think Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams have soooo much chemestry. (umm and the little girl in that movie! i want her!)

2. Etsying!- I found some awesome new materials at the flea market this weekend! It is so nice to have more time to work on my projects.

3. Catching up on TV- We don't have cable, and until this weekend I couldn't even stream Netflix on my computer because it was so out of date. Well, now that I have my new baby and have been reunited with Netflix, I have been watching season 6 of The Office nonstop. Favorite moments so far: the entire Jim/Pam wedding, Phylis and Dwight's martial arts battle, annnnd the murder mystery game.

Enjoy your Tuesday <3


  1. um, remember me blogging about the murder mystery game yesterday? it's a classic. caleb crawdad!!

  2. no, i hadn't read that i guess!! haha great minds... like us finishing each others songs!


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