
the little things

I was thinking about the last 8 months this morning and how they have been the absolute best in my life. It isn't because I graduated college. It isn't because I got to move into a cozy little house. It isn't even because I got to start my own business (aka my dream job). All these things are great, but really, it is because I get to be married to my best friend. Ty goes out of his way to show that he loves me every single day. I'm not talking about grand gestures; it is just the everyday things he does that make my life so sweet.

He wakes up an hour and a half before me most days, and there is, without fail, always a hot pot of coffee waiting for me when I wake up.

He is already gone when I get up most mornings, but it never fails that once he knows I am awake, he will text me and ask me how I am/how I slept. Every day he cares about the answers to those questions.

For lunch he has to stay at work and eat with the clients most days, but he ALWAYS calls me to see how things are going at the shop as soon as he finishes eating.

Most nights, because I get home quite a bit later than he does, he has dinner waiting for me when I walk in the door.

These are the things I never want to take for granted. I hope he feels as loved by me as I do by him. I also hope that in 50 years, he is still making me coffee :)


  1. I can't believe it has been 8 months! Ty sounds like the perfect guy for you, Kaitlyn. I look forward to meeting him someday :)

  2. Ty is a scoundrel.
    Watch your back...


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